On the morning of December 3, 2020, Weihai QuanxinMotor Co., Ltd. signed a technical cooperation and development agreement withProf. Conggan Ma from school of Automotive Engineering, Harbin Institute ofTechnology (Weihai). The science andTechnology Bureau, the Industry and InformationTechnology Administration and the Sme Service Center were invited to attend thesigning ceremony.
Quanxin Motors co., Ltd. will cooperatewith Professor Tsung-gan Ma on the noise problem of single-phase asynchronousmotors. Professor Tsung-gan Ma, visiting scholar at The University ofNottingham, is currently professor, doctoral tutor and assistant dean at schoolof Automotive Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology (Weihai). He haspresided over 14 projects such as the General Project of National NaturalScience Foundation of China, youth Foundation, Natural Science Foundation ofShandong Province, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and participated inthe research of national major instrument development special project, national973 Program and other major national projects. As the first author, he haspublished 22 SCI/EI academic papers, 1 monograph, 3 invention patents, 11software Copyrights, etc.